Support for all stages of life

The foundation for lifelong wellbeing starts in childhood and builds through all stages of life. Sometimes, things happen in life that can crack
or rock that foundation. It’s never too late to reach out. 

We provide compassionate care across the lifespan – from the youngest children to older adults, to help strengthen wellbeing for all.


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Young Adults

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18JAV External Newsletter Spring 2024

18JAV Newsletter Winter 2024

18JAV External Newsletter


Celebrate Black History Month 2025 in Portland

Every February, the United States observes Black History Month. While members of the African American community had pushed for formal recognition of their history since the 1920s, the U.S government...
A woman with gray hair and glasses smiles at the camera, standing in front of a place with blurry colorful items in the background.

What’s in a name?

The Consumer Advisory Committee becomes the Lived Experience Advisory Council.   For years, 18JAV has aimed to give voice to the experiences of those we serve by gathering feedback through...

How can we help?

